Monday, February 16, 2009

Sometimes, I've just got to laugh!


One thing that I have that will serve me well in this process is my sense of humor. At least I haven't lost that in my piles of stuff!

I've added video (on the left) to one of my favorite George Carlin bits, "A Place for My Stuff." It is both hilarious and appropriate to this process of de-cluttering. It especially rings true in that keeping some stuff leads to keeping more stuff, etc. etc. ad nausea.

A note of caution: Don't watch this video with children. George Carlin's humor may be considered by some to be raunchy or raw.

Laugh it up,

1 comment:

  1. I am enjoying your blog....Thanks for allowing us to see your process. The truth is most of us need to de-clutter in some form. And I have always admired your sense of adventure and creativity!

