Saturday, March 7, 2009

What a Wonderful Whirlwind!

I am typing this from my computer in my NEW OFFICE! Yay! This is going to be an "off the cuff" posting, dear readers. Can you imagine how tired I am? I know that you will give me grace.

I made 1.6 billion decisions on day one. My wonderful team arrived right on time and set up staging/sorting areas in the kitchen (two tables) and in my living room (one table). We created a pile of garbage in the yard and sorted into two piles on my deck. Did I mention that we did a lot of sorting??? Whew.

The trade agent, Summer, showed up and she is so wonderful! I'll post a link with her info soon. She took all my stamps and e-bay items. Poof! Just like that! She'll do all the listing and shipping labor and she will send me a check. Yay! Sort and sell, sort and sell.

I started sorting goodies to go to a little girl who is starting scrapbooking. Well, there is TOO much to give to this little girl and I need to face that. I suppose I'll box up a bunch of the decorative paper scraps and give them to a school...or two, or three. Sort, sort, sort!

I have boxes and boxes of paper and office supplies to go with Sherry to school. Yay! More sorting accomplished!

I did best when I just kept my head down and focused on what they put in front of me. If I looked up the big picture overwhelmed me. My wonderful team, headed by Linda and Denise, had their sorting boxes all figured out for the big picture. I learned that I can trust them with the big picture. Sort, sort, sort.

I was so exhausted by the end of day one that all I could do is exercise a little, eat and fall into bed. My back hurt and my brain hurt. I went to bed early and woke up sore and bleary-brained.

After a hot shower, I put on the Thermacare heat pack my hubby brought me home, had a protein drink and some power chocolate...and some coffee...and went back at it! Soon I was engaged in the intensity of the project, fully awake and back to the sorting, sorting, sorting.

By the end of day two the sorting is getting easier because I'm so burned out from choosing what to do with stuff that I mostly just toss or donate stuff. Sort, sort, sort.

It is so amazing how the rooms are taking shape. When I lift up my head and look around I'm not overwhelmed.

Would you like to see some pictures showing the progress over the last two days? Follow this link:

It's time for me to pour this tired, tired body into bed so that I'm ready to go tomorrow!


1 comment:

  1. Wow! This is amazing, Kelly! It doesn't look like any snow today slowed you down.

    Although your body has got to be exhausted, your words sound energized. Good for you! I continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this process.
