Monday, March 9, 2009

Giving Birth is Hard Work

Greetings dear readers!

Earlier in this blog I drew an analogy between the professional organizers and midwives. Their role was to encourage me and to help me focus my energy on the task at hand. Their role was to help me push through the labor to birth two new productive areas in my home.

Well, today I feel physically and mentally like I have been in labor for three days. I am exhausted and sore everywhere. My ears are full. I don't want anyone to ask me another question for the next month; but I'll settle for 24 hours.

I am peacefully excited about my two new "babies." I am admiring them with the exhausted joy and wonder of a mother who worked hard for three days to bring them into the world.

I have decided to take today off. I'm going to rest, rest, rest. I'm going to rest my body and I'm going to rest my mind. I'm glad that it is so snowy here today; it is nice to stay in my pj's and snuggle down with a heat pack and watch the snow while I rest.

This journey is not over yet. Now it is time for me to create the habits and awareness that will make it possible to care for these rooms. Will you help me stay accountable? If you want to help me, just keep reading this blog. I'll continue posting pictures to show that I'm taking care of these spaces. I want to honor the investment made by the team of organizers who gave time and considerable energy to help me.

I know that there are many inner lessons that will arise from the process itself. I was moving intently through the physical process and it took all my attention and focus. The inner lessons will come now, as I rest and have the time to mentally and emotionally consider the experience.

I haven't forgotten, dear readers, to post the application questions and my answers. And I couldn't toddle off to veggie-land before posting this note to you.

This "good news" event was pre-empted by the snow and so there is no formal TV news coverage of Organization 9-1-1. We'll just make do with the amateur video I can present to you.

Click this link to see the grand finale pictures and video:

And so, dear readers, I'm off to make like a vegetable for the rest of today.


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