Friday, March 6, 2009

O-Day One

Wow! It's NOW!

The organizers are on their way! As I type this it is 8:35 a.m. and my life is about to change drastically. My heart is pounding and my stomach is swirling.

I spent most of the day yesterday sorting, sorting, sorting. I taped up nearly all my board games; they will be going to Goodwill. I returned library items so they wouldn't get lost in the shuffle. I re-homed an item with a friend to get it out of my house. I filled the back of my car with what I am calling "know go" items.

"Know Go" items are things that I will release only to people I know. I don't like to give them out indiscriminately I want to give them away intentionally. I want to give them away purposefully. I get super jazzed and excited to releasing them to people I know will really appreciate them.

What internal gifts do you have that you only give out to targeted people? What gifts of your heart, mind and spirit do you guard as sacred? How do you choose to whom you release these gifts? Are you releasing and giving away what you have that will bless or cheer others? If not, why? Have you ever given these gifts to people who were not worthy? What happened? How did you feel?

Wow! Those questions just poured out. Those questions are as much for me to examine later (when the organizers aren't nearly at my door) as they are for you to consider now.

The day is clear, sunny and cold here in Maple Valley. There is thick frost and puddles are frozen. It is a great day to get organized! It's a great day to let go of the junk of the past and make way for possibilities and new dreams!

If I get a chance, I'll put some video up on You Tube later. Watch the blog, I'll update as possible.


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