Monday, April 27, 2009

Staying Accountable

Hello gentle readers!

I went after the piles in my kitchen. I actually finished on Saturday morning. I have a box packed and ready to go out tomorrow for donation pick up. I sorted a big box of papers and put away a BUNCH of art supplies. I sorted decorative papers into collage packs to share as "goodie bags" at an upcoming retreat. Still to be sorted: A large container of project samples, instructions and supplies.

I once again found the top of my kitchen table:

I want to find a place to keep the extra leaf for my table. I don't want to put it back in my table, because that just creates a larger flat space that tempts me to set stuff down. As organizer Peter Walsh says, "Flat spaces are not for storage."

Speaking of Peter Walsh, he's teamed up with Office Max to present a new line or organization products. I signed-up for an online seminar (free) and received these samples for free:
The best tip for me from this seminar: Instead of post-it notes everywhere, I now keep a journal at my desk for notes, reminders, etc. This is working out well for me.

I keep reminding myself that I don't have to be perfectly organized. Every day that I make any effort is a step in the right direction. Yay me!
And something really strange happened yesterday. I was walking through my pantry area and thought, "I'd like to organize these shelves." Wow! Was that really my brain talking?!? Yay! I sense an internal shift and it is exciting.

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