Hello wonderful readers!
I discovered how to imbed pics in my posts. Yay!
I thought I'd share these before and after pictures.
I thought I'd share these before and after pictures.
The transformation is stunning!
This room had become a "catch all" room ~

Now I have a quiet reading area.
I can even meet with clients here!

This room was really not being utilized at all.
Isn't it amazing what we keep around?
We aren't using it, but we don't want to let it go.
In the end, we end up in the grip of the clutter.
Why not release?

Release and be free!
This room is now useful. Well, really, it was always useful ... potentially.
Now this space welcomes me to write and work.
Let's go down to the other end of my house now, into my art studio.
I used to call it my "craft room."
I appreciate crafting because it birthed who I am as an artist.
This mess, however, stifled both the crafter and the artist.

Now I am calling this side of the room my "movement studio."
Every morning I dance with Ellen.
Last night I bounced on my exercise ball for 30 minutes. Yay me!

Too much stuff!
Blocking my way, blocking my creativity, blocking my life.
No more!

A space where my creative spirit can discover and explore.

More pictures tomorrow, dear readers.
I have something exciting to tell you!
I went into my art studio and ... well, I'll save it for my next post.
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