Friday, February 20, 2009

Affirmations and Revelations

You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be.
~ David Viscott

Greetings dear readers,

What words do you speak to yourself?

I am speaking positive affirmations like crazy; more than any time in my life. I speak affirmations in this blog. I purposefully speak positive affirmations whether or not I “feel” or “think” them to be true. I speak them in my heart and in my head and out loud and on paper. I’m determined to set them in place in my heart specifically to help me through this organization process.

We cannot always control our thoughts, but we can control our words, and repetition impresses the subconscious, and we are then master of the situation.

~ Florence Scovel Shinn

Constant repetition carries conviction. ~ Robert Collier

How do you speak to yourself? What is your story? We all affirm ourselves millions of times a day. We reinforce our feelings and beliefs with a constant stream of thoughts and words. We can reinforce ourselves negatively, which, unfortunately seems to come more easily. And we can reinforce ourselves positively. This usually requires a more mindful choice.

Belief consists in accepting the affirmations of the soul; unbelief, in denying them. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

For me, positive affirmations are a way of displacing monkey brain thoughts and beliefs. Do you know what I mean when I say monkey brain? It is that constant disruptive chattering that can go on in the mind. A few evenings ago I had a bad case of monkey brain. I was visualizing the act of letting go of my stuff and suddenly anxiety washed over me. I’m talking about a strong, nearly phobic fear. The next morning while I was writing, this is what came out:

“It is time for me to release these things to others. It is time for me to let them go. Let it go let it go let it go let it go let it go I trust you God to help me let go. Settle my heart, help me to have a deep well of security. Security means it is okay to let go. Security means I can let go. I can let go of my stuff and not disappear.

Do I keep so much stuff and has my body gotten this large in an effort to be seen? Wow. I let go of my stuff, I let go of excess weight, I let go of emotional drama ---- and I am still visible.”

All my life I have taken up space, not just physically. I have a big personality, a big voice, big thoughts, big plans and big dreams. I’m the twelfth child of thirteen and I learned early that to be seen I needed to have a big presence. After that I think it just stuck.

And another thing…okay, I’ll admit it: I love drama. I love to tell a story. Gee, back to that center of attention thing. Yikes. The question is: What story do I tell myself about my life? What life story do I share with others? What part of my life story do I focus on? Am I focusing on the challenges of life because they provide more dramatic effect? Or, to be more truthful, am I focusing on those stories because I get more attention? Oh, me. God help me. Part of my inner organization process is to let go of old stories that keep me stuck.

By tossing out the old and unworkable, we make way for the new and suitable.

~ Julia Cameron

Telling our stories can bring healing; the telling helps us process our experience. Telling our stories can help and inspire others. Telling our stories can also keep us stuck in that storyline; we may cling to those stories because they are familiar and we know our role in the story; it's scary to let go because then I'm not sure who I am. When I let go of an old story I must redefine myself. Yes, sometimes it’s time to tell a new story.

Thank you for being here to witness my journey and to hear my story.

Always direct your thoughts to those truths that will give you confidence, hope, joy, love, thanksgiving, and turn away your mind from those that inspire you with fear, sadness, depression. ~ Bertrand Wilbertforce


P.S. Remember the story about giving stuff to my friend Sherry? Well, to me that was evidence that the positive affirmations are working. Yay!

The more I let go the more freedom I gain. ~ Kelly Morrison

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